What makes a good/bad lecture?

December 30, 2019

In the opinion of 45 Royal Holloway 2nd year students the answers, taking only those mentioned at least three times, are:

What makes a good lecture?

  • Engaging/enthusiastic lecturer (22)
  • Interactive (8)
  • Clear voice (7)
  • Eye contact with audience (5)
  • Checking for understanding (4)
  • Clear (4)
  • Clear handwriting (4)
  • Jokes/humour (4)
  • Seems interested in what they’re saying (4)
  • Well prepared (4)
  • Examples (3)
  • Sound excited/animated (3)
  • High quality notes (3)

What makes a bad lecture?

  • Too quiet (18)
  • Reading off board/book/page/slide (17)
  • Facing the board (9)
  • Not engaging with audience (8)
  • Monotone (7)
  • Poor handwriting (7)
  • Boring (5)
  • Not enough explanation (5)
  • Slow (3)
  • Too much talking (3)